Teacher Newmark Primary · Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Newmark is offering our kids the skills that they require to contribute and enhance their community. In order enable them to positively impact both today and future.



  • Full-time
  • 11-50 employees

About the Newmark Teachers

Teachers with an attachment to progressive education and an interest to give learning importance to children are what we are looking for. The candidate who is selected will be part of the team who understands the importance working towards a common goal. We’d love to meet you if you appreciate the basic concepts of good teaching techniques and have motivated to link learning to the real world!

  • Job Title: Teacher – General Primary
  • Time Fraction: Full-time


Technical Teaching:

  • Prove that you understand and have a good awareness of the Australian Curriculum.
  • Create a synthesized learning experience with real connections to skill-based learning by using the Australian Curriculum in an agile manner.
  • Design and implement hands-on, interactive learning experiences.
  • Create a highly differentiated teaching system, set stretch goals across key subject areas, and use summative and formative assessment items to inform teaching.
  • Provide families feedback in the form of goals and development.
  • Incorporate reflective techniques to monitor and improve performance.
  • Due to the Child Safe Standards, create an environment that is safe for kids.
  • Provide a relaxing, safe, and successful learning environment.
  • Through emotional coaching and restorative perform, support healthy relationships.

Design-based Education

  • Use your knowledge of the Australian Curriculum and international issues to develop project-based educational experiences that connect students in the real world.
  • Build relationships with organisations in the real world, as well as searching for opportunities for students to learn from professionals and present action projects to real audiences.
  • Arrange trips to introduce kids the outside world and to help them develop empathy before coming up with responses to problems.
  • Use the human-centred design process to explore issues and find solutions to problems.
  • Give children the information and abilities they need to create high-quality products and services for actual consumers.
  • Equip children to communicate effectively with external audiences.


The successful teacher will demonstrate capacity to:

  • Be a self-motivated, rapid learner.
  • Work collaboratively.
  • Clearly and with respect, communicate (spoken and written text).
  • Always be ready and stick to deadlines.
  • Manage self, resources and others.
  • Find solutions to problems.
  • Be a thinker and an action-oriented doer.
  • Contribute to a pleasant and successful workplace.
  • To improve performance, search for and use feedback.


The successful teacher will have the following qualifications:

  • Current VIT registration
  • Current First Aid training


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